March 29th, 2025
Office of the Chief Secretary



The ODPM gets T&T ready


Trinidad and Tobago has been identified as a Level 1 or likely to lose more than 80% of its capital infrastructure in a one-in-250 year earthquake according to the United Nations Global Assessment Report (GAR) 2013.

Dr. Stephen Ramroop, CEO of the Office of Disaster Preparedness and Management (ODPM) urges that β€œIt is no longer business as usual with respect to Disaster Risk Management as many international organisations are taking heed and are now strengthening their risk management capacities.”

The Global Platform of the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR) provides strategic and coherent guidance for implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action, a 10-year plan designed to make the world safer and more resilient from all hazards.

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TEMA | Office of the Chief Secretary, Bacolet Street, Fairfield Complex, Scarborough, Tobago. Tel: 660-7489.